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How your stairlift can be cost-effective and use less energy

Lady on a stairlift next to her partner

Struggling with your mobility in and around your home? A stairlift is a simple solution which enables independence, allows you to take control of your mobility, and stay in the home you love – safely and comfortably.

For many, introducing a stairlift into your home can be seen as a last resort to getting up and down the stairs efficiently, rather than a life-enhancing addition. The long-lasting benefits of a stairlift outweigh initial hesitation and instead offers you more time and freedom to spend doing the things you love, like socialising with family, friends and grandchildren, or taking up a new hobby like baking, reading or gardening.

However, due to the current cost of living crisis and rising energy prices in the UK, many people may worry that a stairlift isn’t cost-effective and even affordable, but we’re here to tell you, this isn’t the case. 

It could surprise you to know that a Companion Stairlift only uses around 0.06 kWh of electricity per day - this means that the power requirement of your stairlift is much less than household everyday items like a kettle, toaster or laptop charger. Based on average usage, one entire month’s use of a stairlift is equivalent to just one hour of using your dishwasher at home!

Now, we’re not saying a stairlift can do the dishes for you, or even make you a cup of tea, but when you put it into perspective – the benefits are incomparable. Thanks to the low energy usage, running a Companion Stairlift can cost as little as 52p per month. *

With saving energy and money at the forefront of the nation’s minds, as fuel prices are set to reach record highs, it’s important to know that a stairlift can be incorporated into your life both personally and financially. You don’t have to compromise when it comes to your accessibility. 

Not only are Companion Stairlifts energy efficient and cost-effective, but all products comply with British and European quality standards, conforming to the ethical business practices required by both the British Healthcare Trades Association and the Lift and Escalator Industry Association.

With both straight and curved stairlifts available, we have the solution to slot perfectly into your life and home. Interested to know more? Contact us today to speak to a member of our dedicated team.

*Based on expected average usage and energy cost of 29p/kWh (Feb 2024).