Online archive aims to help older people beat lockdown isolation

Online archive to help fight loneliness among older people

An online archive is aiming to help older people get through the latest lockdown by encouraging them to reminisce about times gone by.

There are millions of people across the UK who will be spending more time inside with little social contact following England being put into another lockdown. This includes older people, individuals who are shielding and people suffering from mobility problems that need aids such as stair lifts and mobility scooters to get around.

The online archive has been created by Living Memories, a not-for-profit community interest company, and it is filled with over 2,000 archive films and newsreels dating from the 1930s to the 1970s.

The archive contains important world events and clippings that cover everything from life at home to work and travel.

The online archive is looking to spark happy memories and to encourage older people to reminisce with families, friends, and carers.

Speaking to the Positive News website, Brian Norris, who is the founder of Living Memories, said: “Archive films are a wonderful way of prompting older people to share memories and life experiences. Long-term memory is usually one of their strengths, so reminiscence encourages them to communicate and feel more confident about themselves.

“This is important in combating isolation, especially now that Covid-19 means many elderly people are unable to access community groups or even see their own families.

“What we’re providing is a major reminiscence resource. That can be for individuals wanting to watch films independently or start up a group to watch online with others, or for community groups wanting to bring together members virtually for Tea & Memories sessions, or for care home providers to stream services for residents to watch together.”

The online portal allows people to search for films by decade, topic and subject and you can then make a list of your favourite topics and share this with friends and family. Costs for a subscription to the online portal are £4 per month for films only or £8 per month for the full package.

This news article is from Companion Stairlifts. Articles that appear on this website are for information purposes only.