Top tips for a garden barbecue this summer

older man grilling BBQ

Nothing says summer like a good old barbecue in the garden with friends and family. The weather doesn’t always allow for it but whenever the sun decides to show itself, people up and down the country look to get the barbecue out, grill up some burgers, and enjoy some good company. If you are thinking about hosting a barbecue this summer, then this guide is for you. Here we present some top tips for an enjoyable garden barbecue, with advice on how to best host the occasion, including how to make the event comfortable for those who might use stairlifts at home.


A successful barbecue is all about preparation and includes prepping the food before your guests arrive. The last thing you want is to throw together a rushed occasion, running about everywhere as nothing is prepared, as this will detract from your enjoyment of the barbecue itself.

This is something that Phil from the UK BBQ and outdoor cooking blog Love2BBQ suggested to us as his top tip for an enjoyable garden barbecue:

“Preparation and having the right equipment are key. Prepare as much food in advance as you can and set up your BBQ with 2 zones to help manage your cook; a direct zone where you cook directly over the heat and an indirect zone is where there is no direct heat. You can then move your food when it is ready or if you need to slow down the cooking time. A cook set of tongs and fish slice will help you safely move your food around and an instant-read thermometer (such as a Thermapen) will give you the confidence your food is cooked properly.”

Yes, you want to create a fun gathering for friends and family but enjoying the barbecue yourself is also important. Preparing food as much as you can before guests arrive, such as making sure all the food is ready to go on the grill and that side dishes are in place will make a big difference.

Provide seating

Family BBQ

If you are throwing a garden barbecue this summer and know that some people with limited mobility (such as grandparents) will be attending, it’s important to create an environment that is comfortable for all. Most attendees, especially kids, will be more than happy standing or perched on something already located in the garden but any older people in attendance will appreciate something comfortable to sit on. You won’t want to make grandma stand up for hours on end, so putting out some garden chairs or positioning a bench near to where the action is will certainly be appreciated.

Make sure the garden is well lit

When it comes to older guests, making sure that your garden is well lit will also be a good idea, especially if your barbecue will last into the night. If your garden has some steps or tricky paths to navigate, consider installing some temporary lighting so guests can easily move around to help avoid accidents. Some solar powered lights that have an automatic timer might be a good idea, as these will switch on once the sun goes down, meaning you don’t have to remember to switch them on manually once it has gotten too dark.

Use Slow cooking

Of course, you want to make your barbecue enjoyable for all the guests but, as mentioned, having fun yourself is important too. With this in mind, Mike from the grilling, beer, and food blog Another Pint Please offered the following advice when speaking to us: “An enjoyable barbecue means fun for everyone and no stress for the cook. So, for me, I like to use low and slow cooking for ribs, pulled pork, or brisket. The long cook time means I can socialize more and not stay huddled over a hot grill as the guests arrive. Plus, true BBQ makes the party!” 

Have a snack table

snacks on a table

People coming to a barbecue are expecting to eat so will likely turn up to your garden rather hungry. To stop them pestering the chef and all grouping around the grill as you cook, it’s a smart idea to put out a table full of tasty snacks that people can help themselves to. This way you can get on with the cooking and everyone else can enjoy munching on crisps, dip, and cocktail sausages while they wait for the main event. A small folding table will do the job nicely.

Help yourself drinks selection

With all this food on offer, your guests are also going to find themselves being a little thirsty and you won’t want them coming up to you every few minutes to ask for a refill. By putting up a ‘help yourself’ selection of drinks somewhere in the garden – preferably near the snack table – you can avoid this problem and keep everyone happy in the process. You can include a cool box full of ice to keep beers and soft drinks cold and all you have to remember to do is keep an eye out for when the drinks are starting to run out before popping inside to the fridge.

Serve a variety of food

Barbecue food

If you have been blessed by a summer full of great weather, this likely isn’t the only barbecue that your guests will have attended. So, making sure that you serve up a good variety of food will be a shrewd move indeed. Of course, have your classic beef burgers and cheeseburgers on hand but including chicken burgers, ribs, shrimp, chicken skewers, sausages, hot dogs, and vegetarian options like corn burgers will help make your barbecue one to remember.

Phil from Love2BBQ made sure to offer us his favourite barbecue food suggestions: “Simple is always good! Chicken Wings on the BBQ are a personal favourite of mine! They are quick to prepare and cook and people love snacking on them.” You can read his recipe for chicken wings here.

“I also love a kebab on the BBQ,” says Phil. “Again, really simple to make and tastes superb. Serving with a pitta and some flatbread really works! This BBQ Chicken Souvlaki recipe is a real crowd pleaser.”

Mike from Another Pint Please also has a suggestion when it comes to wowing guests with your menu: “If you really want to put in the work and try something different, consider a grilled pizza bar. Prep dough and toppings ahead of time. Then, when ready to eat, line the guests up to prepare their own pizzas. To speed the process up, consider grilling the dough directly on the grates. Place toppings on the cooked side and then return to the grill to finish cooking.”

Tips for a successful garden barbecue

  • Prep the food before guests arrive
  • Provide seating
  • Make sure the garden is well lit
  • Use slow cooking
  • Have a snack table
  • Help yourself drinks selection
  • Serve a variety of food

There you have it; an enjoyable garden barbecue can be yours this summer by following the above advice. From making sure you have a variety of food options to ensuring there are comfortable spots to sit at for those who use curved stairlifts, everyone can have a good time at your next shindig.

This news article is from Companion Stairlifts. Articles that appear on this website are for information purposes only.