When purchasing a new car, it can be hard to know where to start and what sort of vehicle would suit your needs. A recent article by Motability on their scheme blog page goes into more detail about how you can decide if the Motability car scheme is the right option for you. The Motability scheme is the perfect option for people who may find it difficult to otherwise drive a traditional car due to mobility issues which means they need a stair lift or walking aid to get around.
The article delves into some of the questions potential users may have about the scheme, how it could benefit them and what freedom it can bring those who wish to use its services. The 10 topics and questions discussed are as follows:
- How does the Motability Scheme work? – the purpose of the scheme is to provide an affordable way to run a brand new car that is tailored to your needs.
- Can I get a car on the Scheme if I don’t drive? – Yes, even if you don’t drive you can name up to three named drivers to drive your car on your behalf.
- What if I’m family, a friend or a carer? – Similarly, up to three named drivers can be listed so friends, family members and carers can all drive the car.
- How do I know if I am eligible for the Scheme? – You are eligible if you currently receive any of the following allowances:
- Higher Rate Mobility Component of the Disability Living Allowance
- Enhanced Rate of the Mobility Component of Personal Independence Payment
- War Pensioners’ Mobility Supplement
- Armed Forces Independence Payment
- What about PIP reassessments? – “If you’re currently in receipt of the Disability Living Allowance (DLA) and are invited for a reassessment, as long as you’re successful in your application for the Enhanced Rate of the Mobility Component of Personal Independence Payment (PIP), you will still be eligible to join the Motability Scheme,” the article explains.
- How much will a new car cost me a week? – There is a selection of price band options that will help you choose the right price point for you.
- What if I need adaptations? – Many additional adaptations are available at no extra cost, just get in contact with your local centre to find out more.
- Can I trade in my old car against a new one? – Yes, you can trade-in your privately owned car at most Motability Scheme dealerships. This would go towards the deposit for your new car.
- Will I definitely be able to get the car I need? – With over 2,000 cars available you are bound to find the right car for your needs.
- How do I apply? - Just search through our range of vehicles, then visit your local dealership to speak to a Motability specialist and arrange a test drive.
If you want to find out more about the Motability scheme and how it can help you get back on the road then explore the rest of the website or call the team on 0800 694 9000.
This news article is from Companion Stairlifts. Articles that appear on this website are for information purposes only.